
Type privately held
Industry Interactive television
Founded 1994
Headquarters San Francisco, USA
Products Television operating systems and Middleware
Revenue $110 million (USD) in 2007
Employees 500

OpenTV is an interactive television company founded in 1994. Its main business involves the sale of set-top-box operating systems and software. On March 28, 2010 OpenTV became a fully owned subsidiary of the NAGRA Kudelski Group and officially delisted from the NASDAQ, where it was previously listed under the symbol OPTV.


OpenTV Core middleware

OpenTV's flagship product is OpenTV Core, a widely deployed digital television middleware. OpenTV Core software technology contains a hardware abstraction layer to enable hardware independence, TV libraries, a selection of application execution environments, and support for Personal Video Recorders (PVRs) to create a digital television environment for set-top box.

OpenTV Core middleware has shipped some 100 million set-top boxes worldwide (February 2007)[1] on 37 set-top-box manufacturers.

OpenTV Virtual Machine execution environment

OpenTV applications are written in C, using their own compiler, gcco, which outputs o-code which is then run on many set-top-boxes. The OpenTV API wrap all the hardware functions, including data transmission (one-way satellite broadcasts, full bi-directional links such as a modem or hard-wired serial port and high-speed broadband networks).

Free Software Foundation lawsuit against OpenTV

In 2002, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) engaged in a GPL enforcement action against OpenTV. According to Forbes, OpenTV ended up paying the FSF $65,000 to avoid additional legal action regarding the profits made during the illegal use of the GPL software. The FSF's stated mission is not to demand money damages for GPL violations.[2]

OpenTV Advertising

OpenTV supports interactive advertising. They purchased CAM Systems in 2005, an advertising traffic & billing solution for a US cable company, specifically Comcast. OpenTV provides system for allocation, scheduling, traffic, verification, and billing and supports local ad insertion/targeting at the head-end or on the set-top, ad telescoping using VOD and PVR, enhanced TV for consumer call-to-action and audience measurement solutions for campaign effectiveness.

See also

External links


  1. ^ Clover, Julian. "OpenTV found in 100 million enabled devices" February 20, 2008
  2. ^ Linux News: Best of ECT News: The Legend of Linksys